Time – A perplexing conundrum
Among all 3 spatial and 1 temporal dimension mentioned by science – time is the most difficult to comprehend. Other dimension leaves a unique experience for everyone – understanding of 1 meter and 1 mile and 1 light year is more or less same for everyone.
But when it comes to TIME – people has different realization and connotation. One is theory of relativity of time where same duration of time means different for different people – 1 hour for me is different from what 1 hour means to you.
But the other area is appreciating the magnitude of the time.
Every day we meet many people who are not able to visualize events on a time-map
• How many years back Taj Mahal was built
• How many years back – Mughal came to India
• When Gautam Buddha was born
• When was Vedas written?
• What was the situation in India when Europe was going through Industrial revolution?
• When did life started on earth?
A person lives on an average 80-100 years on earth. Earth itself is 4.5 billion years old? Can we really comprehend what 4.5 billion years mean? What impact can our 80 years of life make on this 4.5 billion old earth?
Forget the age of earth, science and history says human civilization in only 4000-5000 years old. Does that mean human civilization started long back or is it comparatively a recent event?
Development that happened in science and technology in last 100 years is mind boggling. Then what is significance of first 4000 years and how much next 50 years will mean for the human race.
Understanding time and its magnitude may open-up the elusive dimension for every individual ‘To know what you don’t know’.
Probably this may enable you to realize what is irreversible and unquestionable in these 80-100 years of yours? What should be mended, what can be left and what can be pursued?
Are you ready for a time travel with me?
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